2018年6月、音楽コミュニティレーベル「BINDIVIDUAL」の立ち上げをきっかけに、小林うてな、Julia Shortreed、ermhoiの3名で結成。2019年1月にミニアルバム「Agate」を発表し、同年8月にFUJIROCK FESTIVAL’19のレッドマーキーステージに出場。
2020年11月 初のアルバム「SILK」をリリース。
2023年12月 Mutek JPに出演。
In June 2018 Black Boboi was formed by Utena Kobayashi, Julia Shortreed, and ermhoi following the launch of the music community label ‘BINDIVIDUAL’. In January 2019, the group released the mini-album ‘Agate’, and in August of the same year, they performed on the Red Marquee Stage at FUJIROCK FESTIVAL’19.
In November 2020, Black Boboi released their first album ‘SILK’ and in December 2023, they performed at Mutek JP. Each member is also active in a wide range of fields as a solo artist.
Website – http://wearebindividual.com/
Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/blackboboi/