Sound artist and organiser from France. Explores a variety of possibilities with artists in Kyoto. Supervisor of PollenRec.
Keyboard player of a heavy psychedelic rock band, also a supportive member of EP-4 (active from 2013)
ロックをベースに縦横無尽にグルーヴを構築する独自のミックススタイルで高い評価を得る新感覚 DJ。
-Highly rated DJ working in his original style, creating a new groove by his mixing style based on rock music
京都を拠点に活動する映像作家。PixelEngine LLC.代表。近年は実写撮影、マッピング作品を精力的に制作している
-A film maker based in Kyoto. Lately he is working on filming and mapping projects enthusiastically. Representative of PixelEngine LLC.
Play Hard Live Hard VJ Hard
-A hiphop DJ based in Kyoto. Originally from Finland. Also an event organiser. Recent events include the RAHINA party at Hosomi Art Gallery
-Anthropologist based in the forest and capital of Cameroon, as well as Kyoto. He uses the sources from his research to perform
-A mixed media artist who uses the contradictory effect of photography and painting to creating a new level of possibilities
Artist and rapper based in Kyoto and London. He will have the release performance for his album.
"木馬にのって旅に出よう" 怒れる2人の詩人(さとうみずほ+サワムラタカヒロ)による詩的行動ユニット
-Kaiten-Mokuba is an angry two-poet group with members Satou Mizuho & Sawamura Takahiro
イベント自体がインスタレーション作品となる、一夜限りのギャラリーパーティ、老舗 METROで開催。展示作品はその場で購入可能。現代美術と多様な音楽が混ざり合いながらも堅苦しくなく、老若男女国籍問わず楽しんでもらえるパーティです。主催のアート・プロダクション Blanxpace によるオープニングアクトが19時半に始まります。どうぞお見逃しなく。