
  • 10pm〜
  • High Five〜 Freshmen Welcome Party

    出演者:DJ Machi / DJ Syohei / DJ Masaya / DJ S.Y.O. Holyland / DJ Main
    / DJ Yuta

ここ京都METROに京都外国語大学学内イベント Club IrieのDJ陣が集結!名付けて”High Five”がComing up! 京都の学生らに向けた新入生歓迎パーティーを開催!新生活への不安も音楽を通じて吹き飛ばしましょう!クラブ初心者も大歓迎!

Time is coming! The great party”High Five” is coming up at Kyoto Club Metro!
We’d like to celebrate for entering college freshman! It is open-party so everyone is welcome!
Even if you’re club beginner…that’s no problem! We’ll blow away your stress with good music!
All variety of music will be played. So be ready! Let’s have a blest weekday night!


¥1000 inc.1drink ※新入生¥500 1drink(要身分証明書)