
  • 22:00〜
  • KONNECT the Universe

  • 出演者 : DJ PaPa NICK / DJ Alex Tatzuma / DJ Tomohisa
    DJ Machi / DJ BABOO / DJ FreAquency / DJ MKFP
    DJ YAMADA / DJ Salaryman
    FOOD : 58"Experience"diner

クラブパーティ x 社会貢献 Club Party x Contribution

京都で話題の超大人気インターナショナルパーティ"Konnect"とクラブイベントにファッションショーや音楽ライブを取り入れ多彩なパーティを数々企画しメトロで伝説的話題となった"Across the Universe"の2つがタッグとなりその名も"Konnect the Universe"!

Asia Friend Ship network


Konnect the Universe Party -Club Party x Social Contribution-

The popular Konnect International Party in Kyoto and the Across the Universe Party, which does fashion shows and live concerts, will be hosting a joint party called Konnect the Universe!
The party will be held on the 4th of July to celebrate America's Independence day by having an "American Style Party." We hope that you all will come fully dressed in "American Style" fashion and enjoy American music and food!
In addition to celebrating Independence Day, we will also be donating a portion of the proceeds to help with disaster relief in Nepal after the devastating earthquake.

The organization we will be donating too is the Asia Friendship Network (http://www.asiafriendship.org/) which is a volunteer group in Nepal focused on health care and education.



¥1,500 inc.1drink