1976年大阪府出身。2001年初頭に自身にとってのファースト・アルバム 『SILICOM』をリリースして以来、LIVE, DJ、楽曲制作を中心に国際的な活動を続ける。2004年~2011年はヨーロッパに拠点を置き、2011年に帰国。国内外のアーティストのremix, プロデュース、ミキシングも担当。Bun/Fumitake Tamuraとのユニット”Neutral”での活動も進行中。写真家としても活動。
AOKI takamasa was born in 1976 and raised in Osaka, JP.
Since releasing his first album, SILICOM, in 2001, he’s worked internationally as a producer, live performer, and DJ.
Between 2004-2011, he was based in Europe before returning to Japan in 2011. Since then he has done several remixes for both international and domestic artists, undertaking the production and mixing as well.
He is currently part of the unit “Neutral” along with Bun/Fumitake Tamura. He also works as a photographer.