

Label: BigKnot Records
幼少期から地域の祭事などでウタい ピアノ、エレクトーンを学び音楽に触れ育つ。 東京で DJ キャリアをスタート。師 Yama aka Sahib。
2013 年 ルーツである沖縄に拠点を移し、 琉球沖縄に根ざした唄三線を師大城美佐子から学ぶ。
2021 年 海外 WEB Film AWAMORI JINBNER に出演。
2022 年 前川守賢氏の作詞作曲である “想いションガネー”を 現代•次世代へ継承とゆう形でアレンジされた楽曲 shoNganee KUNIKO,RITTO,OZworld をリリース。
2023 年 WOWOW、NHK 共同制作 連続ドラマ W “FENCE”の劇伴歌を担当。出演。
Queen Of Japanese Female Rapper Awich の楽曲”THE UNION”でコーラスを担当。LIVE に多数出演。
2024 年 1 月 継承と創生をテーマに制作した自身初 EP”Identity”デジタル配信、Vinyl 12 インチをリリース。

Label: BigKnot Records
KUNIKO has grown up immersed in music from a young age, singing at local festivals and events while learning piano and electronic organ. She began her DJ career in Tokyo under the mentorship of Yama a.k.a Sahib.
In 2013 KUNIKO relocated back to her roots in Okinawa and studied traditional Ryukyuan singing and sanshin under Master Misako Oshiro. KUNIKO is dedicated to preserving and evolving Ryukyuan folk songs and the Shuri Quena tradition, passing these traditions on at local schools.
In 2021 she appeared in the international web film AWAMORI JINBNER. The following year she released the song “shoNganee KUNIKO, RITTO, OZworld,” an arranged version of “Omoi Shongane”, originally composed and written by Shuken Maekawa, as a way to pass the song on to future generations. In 2023, she contributed and performed the theme song for the WOWOW-NHK co-produced drama series FENCE.
KUNIKO also provided chorus vocals for “THE UNION” by Japanese Hip-Hop artist Awich, known as the “Queen of Japanese Female Rappers.” She has joined Awich on stage at numerous live shows.
In January 2024, KUNIKO released her first EP, Identity, exploring themes of inheritance and creation, available digitally and on 12-inch vinyl.


  • Club METRO
  • 075-752-4765

Zac Up Co,LTD

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